Features Ipilum re-commerce software
Automatic purchasing price calculation
You can choose automatic price calculation for your purchasing price offer by entering a percentage of the market price for each product category. The calculation is based on the actual market price for each article. Each percent value can be applied using different methods:
- product age
- hot products (Salesrank)
- product category

To prevent some products from purchasing you can add them to your blacklist. For adding products to the blacklist, we also offer different possibilities: You can blacklist seperate EAN numbers, blacklist whole categories and also prevent productscontaining special words / strings.

Stock and inventory management
Our re-commerce software offers you to store bought articles in different stock locations. Additional information like racknumber, rack floor and rack slot id can be stored to optimize stock management. If your products are sold using Amazon orEbay, the stock size will be decreased automaticly so that only items are sold which are in stock. Articles having a stocksize below 1 (or another number at your choice) will be delisted automatically.

If you want to support your clients with parcel labels, sell purchased products directly on marketplaces,we have interfaces which can manage this automatically for you just by a few mouseclicks. Our re-commerce system offer youinterfaces to Logistic companies like DHL, marketplaces like Amazon and Ebay, repricing service companies like Clousale,Starsellers World, Logicscale and more.
You also can connect ERP solution or shop system companies like HIW, Stein Software, Plenty Markets, Pixi and more usingexisting interfaces.

Webservices / API
Your re-commerce page also contains a professional webservice for third parties. Our API enables you to open your systemto third parties to add value and raise your revenue. As an example an easy integration of purchase price comparison portalslike woverkaufen.de and werzahltmehr.de can be enabled using your webservice. Additionally, you can manage processes,change your prices depending on events and much more. The webservice is operated using standard XML language.

Multiple search abilities
To offer your clients an easy way to find the product to trade, our re-commerce system offers multiple search possibilities.Products can be found searching EAN / ISBN or text search / product name.

Freely configurable product information requests
When applying purchasing offers for special products like smartphones you often need additional product information like condition, accessoires, simlock and more. You can request these product-related additional information from your customers and define purchasing price agio or disagio values.

Action manager
Our action manager helps you to organize your automated workflow to minimize your manual workload. Choose tasks to start depending on purchasing status, payment options, language and more. Define automatic e-mail notifications, status changes and much more.

Automatic document management
Documents like delivery notes, bills or purchasing receipts are generated from our system and can be sent automatically using E-mail to your clients.

Label printing
To tag your purchased items we offer you a label printing functionality. Storage area, Stock number, EAN, article ID and barcodes can be placed on your label to ensure an easy item stock management.

Outstanding receivables management including SEPA export
Use our receivables manager to reduce your work. see which payments are not cleared yet and use the SEPA export manager to transfer all wire payments to your bank - at once, regardless of how many wires you want to send.